

@interface HBRootListController : HBListController


class HBRootListController : HBListController

The HBRootListController class in CepheiPrefs provides a list controller class that should be used as the root of the package’s settings. It includes two class methods you can override to provide a default message and a URL that the user can share via a sharing button displayed to the right of the navigation bar.

It is recommended that you use this class even if its current features aren’t appealing in case of future improvements or code that relies on the presence of an HBRootListController.


  • A string to be used as a default message when the user shares the package to a friend or social website. Override this method to return your own string.

    If the return value of this method and hb_shareURLare nil, the sharing button will not be displayed.



    + (nullable NSString *)hb_shareText;


    class func hb_shareText() -> String?

    Return Value

    By default, nil.

  • The URL to be shared when the user shares the package to a friend or social website. Override this method to return your own URL.

    If the return value of this method and hb_shareText are nil, the sharing button will not be displayed.



    + (nullable NSURL *)hb_shareURL;


    class func hb_shareURL() -> URL?

    Return Value

    By default, nil.